Fostering the Advancement of Chiropractic
Preventive Medicine Through the Application of Clinical Nutrition
as a Science and Healing Art
About National Nutrition Standard
Who we are
Our organization was founded with the purpose of promoting the orderly advancement of chiropractic as a science and healing art. We gather, correlate, and disseminate knowledge and information concerning the use of nutrition in the practice of chiropractic. All our efforts are directed toward the benefit of our members, the profession and the public.
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Our Core Functions are:
To encourage and promote a more advanced knowledge and use of nutrition in the practice of chiropractic.
To be a liaison with our teaching institutions.
To encourage professional consultation with members of other professions.
To sponsor and promote seminars and courses of study in nutrition.
To be and remain a charitable organization availed only for chiropractic purposes, as provided in Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code.